Trezzano sul Naviglio (MI) – blocco di concorsi adibiti ad istruttori e funzionari
8 things millennials wish you would just stop getting them for the holidays
Smart CCTV networks are driving an AI-powered apartheid in South Africa
Apple may be making major changes to some of its iPhone sizes next year
Elon says 250,000 people have already preordered Tesla’s new Cybertruck
Artists used deepfake tech to tell alternate moon landing history
Lights that warn planes of obstacles were exposed to Open Internet
Watch this ultra-hypnotic supercomputer simulation of galaxies feasting
Otto Warmbier’s parents want North Korea to suffer for their son’s death
What UK political parties are promising in the 2019 general election
Giornata Internazionale contro la violenza sulle donne: la FGU al fianco di tutte le donne
Imma Rossi, una candidata giovane e intraprendente: “La mia sarà una voce per i colleghi ed un Ateneo migliore”
Resoconto Riunione ARAN del 17/07/2024
Contrattazione integrativa Aziendale: Gilda, Cgil e Anief firmano l’accordo