
Imma Rossi eletta al Senato Accademico: “Ringrazio tutti del sostegno ricevuto”

La candidata della FGU Gilda, con 178 preferenze, si è aggiudicata un seggio nel prossimo Senato Accademico. Imma Rossi, prima donna eletta al Senato...

Trezzano sul Naviglio (MI) – blocco di concorsi adibiti ad istruttori e funzionari

Trezzano sul Naviglio (MI) - blocco di concorsi adibiti ad istruttori e funzionari - I BANDI DI CONCORSO SONO QUATTRO E SONO SCARICABILI AL...

Substituting ‘follow your passion’ with ‘find your purpose’

Last week, news broke that James Dean will star in a new movie-64 years after his death. A production company called Magic City got...

Smart CCTV networks are driving an AI-powered apartheid in South Africa

Last week, news broke that James Dean will star in a new movie-64 years after his death. A production company called Magic City got...

Apple may be making major changes to some of its iPhone sizes next year

Last week, news broke that James Dean will star in a new movie-64 years after his death. A production company called Magic City got...

Elon says 250,000 people have already preordered Tesla’s new Cybertruck

Last week, news broke that James Dean will star in a new movie-64 years after his death. A production company called Magic City got...

Artists used deepfake tech to tell alternate moon landing history

Last week, news broke that James Dean will star in a new movie-64 years after his death. A production company called Magic City got...

Lights that warn planes of obstacles were exposed to Open Internet

Last week, news broke that James Dean will star in a new movie-64 years after his death. A production company called Magic City got...

Watch this ultra-hypnotic supercomputer simulation of galaxies feasting

Last week, news broke that James Dean will star in a new movie-64 years after his death. A production company called Magic City got...