
Auguri di Buon Natale!

In occasione del periodo natalizio, la FGU GILDA Unicampania desidera augurare a tutti voi ed alle vostre famiglie serenità, gioia e amore. In questo...

Contrattazione Integrativa di Ateneo: benefit Edenred in arrivo. Ecco le novità

Ieri si è tenuta la riunione di Contrattazione Integrativa di Ateneo sulle risorse di cui all'art. 67 del CCNL Istruzione e Ricerca (welfare). La proposta...

Drew Banga wants to spark the Bay Area’s rap resurgence

Last week, news broke that James Dean will star in a new movie-64 years after his death. A production company called Magic City got...

Billboard wants artists to stop gaming the charts with album-merch bundles

Last week, news broke that James Dean will star in a new movie-64 years after his death. A production company called Magic City got...

The 2020 grammy nominations are really trying to be relevant

Last week, news broke that James Dean will star in a new movie-64 years after his death. A production company called Magic City got...

Noel Gallagher says Liam’s tweets are the reason Oasis won’t reunite

Last week, news broke that James Dean will star in a new movie-64 years after his death. A production company called Magic City got...

Exploring the origins of punk across America with Kid Karate and Bushmills

Last week, news broke that James Dean will star in a new movie-64 years after his death. A production company called Magic City got...

How Omni accidentally became the best post-punk band in America

Last week, news broke that James Dean will star in a new movie-64 years after his death. A production company called Magic City got...